Brief history of Darwin's Cats World

Darwin's Cat - Brief history of Darwin's Cats World

We live during the Glacial Period that began 2.58 million years ago, and is ongoing. Glacial Period has small interglacial periods, separated by long Ice Ages. Our interglacial period began 11,700 years ago, and our (Homo Sapiens) Civilization was born and evolved in this period.

Last Glacial Period
Last Glacial Period

Previous interglacial period began 130,000 and finished 115,000 years ago. During that 15,000 years, Civilization of Cats was born and evolved. When glaciers came back and covered the Earth, cats have built space vessels and left the Earth. Cats populated other star systems.

Last 150,000 Years
Last 150,000 Years
Last 5,000,000 Years
Last 5,000,000 Years