Darwin's Cat - How Cat's Civilisation was born
A Brief story about how Cat's Civilisation borns and then spreads across the Stars.
Long time ago, when cats still lived in trees When cats didn't use implants yet and Humans didn’t appear When cats didn’t live in space yet and made coffee from beans When cats played with mice and didn't play with genes. With genes-genes-genes, genes-genes-genes, yet At that wild time there lived a cat, named as Tomcat Tomcat believed in reason force, and wore a cowboy’s hat World of Cats was half in ice, and cats needed more place Tomcat invented space engine and gave cats keys from space Keys from space-space-space space-space-space yet Cats have quickly spread in the cosmos and they populated space Almost every moon and planet, and asteroid belts Cats have built space stations and even Dyson swarm And its was a short story how Cat's Civilisation borns Civilisation borns-borns-borns Borns-borns-borns, yeah